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Spolia Design/Build was founded in 2015 by Adam Sharron in Santa Rosa, California.

Licenses & Affiliations:

California Licensed C-27 Contractor: #1076863

American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Affiliate Member

Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD) Qualified Professional

International Society of Arborists (ISA) Certified Arborist: #WE-13182A

QWEL Water Efficient Landscaper - Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership: #SMSWP-1260

Certified Wildland Firefighter: Basic, Type II




I am a designer with a background in ecology, botany, and spatial design, and I seek to steward the region where I live. I currently serve on both the Design Review Board and the Waterways Advisory Commission for the City of Santa Rosa, am a Licensed California Contractor, an American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Affiliate member, a certified Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) through the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership, a certified Basic Wildland Firefighter, and a Certified Arborist by the International Society of Arboriculture.

Continually cultivating an environmental ethic, I was raised among the rivers, mountains, and lakes of upstate New York, and attended college in Minnesota at a school with an 800-acre  arboretum and active native-tallgrass prairie restoration.  I continued westward, landing in the National Parks in San Francisco. 

In the Golden Gate National Parks for over a decade, I worked in habitat restoration, native plant nurseries, environmental education and volunteer management, and was inspired by the committed legion of stewards that serve those urban parks and remnant wildlands.   

Wishing to dive deeper into planning and design, I went to graduate school for Landscape Architecture in the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington in Seattle.  After dipping my toes in the Pacific Northwest for three years, I returned to Northern California in Santa Rosa, working in park planning, design and construction management.  With a desire to have a direct hand in designing well-planned and beautiful spaces, I founded Spolia Design/Build to continue my stewardship of my home community.

Through an ecologically responsive and responsible design philosophy, I aim to enhance the health, beauty, and enhance the habitats in and around our homes and public spaces.  I love to get my hands dirty in making things.  As an avid bicyclist, fly-fisherman, and craftsman (when not rough-housing with my 7-year-old son), I am active in the enjoyment of and advocacy for the world around me.

In 2018, I was awarded a public art commission from the Pop-Up Creativity art grants program of Creative Sonoma, a County Agency. Installed in May 2019, the project Tree Limns threads 50’ lengths of LED tubes through four mature stands of trees on a disused traffic island in Santa Rosa. The project is a re-imagining and re-framing of a forgotten slice of the urban landscape, highlighting with shifting light and color to the shadowed interior of the intersection of Fourth Street and College Avenue.

In 2020, I am installed a second iteration of Tree Limns along the Fourth St. corridor in Downtown Santa Rosa as part of the Open & Out public art program. This grant is a more extensive project, with three separate installations that will light three sections of street tree canopies along the temporary car-free pedestrian corridor.